327 Plaza Real‌ Suite 305, Boca Raton‌, FL‌ 33432

We are at Mizner Park Plaza. Next to iPic Movie Theater

(from Federal Highway side, Parking B)

ADDRESS: 327 Plaza Real‌ Suite 305, Boca Raton‌, FL‌ 33432 PHONE: (561)797-7887, (561) 961-9777

We are at Mizner Park Plaza. Next to iPic Movie Theater (from Federal Highway side, Parking B)

ADDRESS: 327 Plaza Real‌ Suite 305, Boca Raton‌, FL‌ 33432

PHONE:(561) 797-7887

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is a treatment to repair and save a damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The term «root canal» comes from the cleaning of the canals inside a tooth’s root. Decades ago, root canal treatments were often painful, but modern technology allows for a painless treatment.

Main symptoms that you may need a root canal treatment (RCT) :

  • Throbbing pains. Pain worsens at night;
  • Aching, paroxysmal pain can radiate to the temples and ears. It may feel like you have a bad heartache;
  • Feeling upwell;
  • Fever.

An infected root canal will not heal on its own. A disappearing toothache usually means that the nerve inside the tooth has died. The infection that caused the problem in the first place may still be present and will continue to attack the surrounding tissues. Without treatment, the infection could seriously damage the jawbone and even cause systemic illness.


Experts identify several main causes leading to the occurrence of pulpitis, which is inflammation of the tooth nerves, which leads to the Root Canal.

  • A complication caused by caries, when a dental cavity wasn’t treated on the time. This is the most common factor, which accounts for the vast majority of cases of pulpitis. After pathogenic microorganisms destroy the enamel and dentin, the infection penetrates into the pulp, which is the tooth nerve, resulting in an inflammatory process.
  • After trauma to the tooth. These include severe chips, dislocations, and fractures of the tooth.  
  • After and as a result of exposure to chemicals, temperature, and drugs. Sometimes this is due to errors during the dental treatment when pulp overheating occurs during therapeutic treatments.

Important! Treatment of three-channel pulpitis (back tooth RCT) is a rather complicated procedure that requires the experience and manual skills of a qualified doctor and modern equipment for the most effective treatment. Please choose a clinic and the dentist very carefully. Here at My Dentist of Boca Raton, we offer an individual approach to solving each clinical case, comprehensive diagnostics, and a guarantee for the services provided. We have an experienced dental professional on the board. Please check our google reviews here.

Top 5 questions about RCT

1.What are the advantages of RCT?

One of the biggest benefits of root canal treatment is that it gets rid of the pain and the infection in the mouth. The root canal relieves pressure from inflammation in the pulp of the tooth and within a day or two after treatment, patients can get back to living their normal lives, without the tooth pain.

2.Can toothache move from one tooth to another?

Your toothache moves from one tooth to another through pain signals, but the discomfort usually goes away within one or two weeks. As noted by many dentists, a tooth abscess can cause referred pain. For example, if you have an abscess in an upper tooth, pain can radiate to the lower jaw and even to your ears and neck.

4.How do I know if my tooth infection is spreading?

Signs of a tooth infection spreading to the body may include:

  1. Fever
  2. Swelling
  3. Dehydration
  4. Increased heart rate
  5. Increased breathing rate
  6. Stomach pain

4.How painful is RCT?

Does a root canal hurt? A root canal procedure sounds scary, but with today’s technology, it’s typically not much different than having a deep filling. There’s little to no pain because your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb your tooth and gums so that you’re comfortable during the procedure.

  1. Can root canal be done in one day?

A root canal can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. It can sometimes be done in one appointment but may require two. In general, after Root Canal Treatment a dentist may recommend getting a crown.


If you are in pain and looking for a “dentist near me” simply call our office at 327 Plaza Real‌, Suite 305, Boca Raton‌, FL‌ 33432.

Same-day appointments are available. Here at My Dentist of Boca Raton, we are not charging extra for emergency dental visits. We have an open company policy and we know that our price is reasonable and affordable, that’s why we post most of our prices online here. We have a reasonable price and a great dental professional with significant dental experience. Simply call us at (561)797-7887  for more information. Yes, we can provide you a price, for most major dental procedures, over the phone. Also, you can send us your most recent dental  X-rays to smileofboca@gmail.com  so that our dentists may give you an idea about your dental health. However, for an exact dental treatment plan, you should be seen by our dentist. Stay Safe and healthy!